Our Global Family: The Conservation Collective Network

The Conservation Collective (CC) is a network of local foundations funding grassroots conservation initiatives to protect the environment, restore nature and safeguard against climate change.

There are 16 organisations worldwide doing their bit to build the capacity of local environmental organisations that conserve and regenerate our planet for future generations. By joining this global family, the Malta Environment Foundation (MEF) is gaining access to a wide network of experts and know-how, granting MEF with invaluable support during its establishment on the island and constant development.

Some examples of great work across the Conservation Collective network are:


This global ‘family’ allows for best practices to be shared worldwide while fostering a ‘virtual’ global team to ensure maximum collaboration. Each fund is apolitical, independent, not for profit and privately funded. All CC local foundations work by involving, empowering and strengthening local communities in order to build capacity and create the maximum potential positive impact.

This model has proved to be a successful way of increasing philanthropic funding for the environment by engaging new types of donors and directly turbocharging the work of local environmental champions by being agile, unbureaucratic, and ‘getting stuff done’.